Lsat. $950 - $1200 > 165
Gmat $950 - $1200 > 650
GRE $950 - $1200 > 300
HesiA2 $450 - $750 > 900
HesiRn $650 - $750 > 80%
HesiLPn $450 - $550 > 80%
AtiTeas $450 - $750 > 80%
PALife Ins $450 - $750 > 70%
Acuplacer $450 - $750 > 80%
IELTS $600 - $700 > 6.5
ToEfl $600 - $700 > 650
GeD $600 - $700 > 500
Security+ $600 - $850 > 750
CCNA $600 - $850 > 720
SIE exams $600 - $850 > 70%
Series 7 $600 - $850 > 65%

Please note: all prices in the table are presented in US dollars, but any other currency will be automatically converted when you make the payment. The prices are specified without the VAT. It will be charged additionally if you live in the EU.